In 2012 DAN has made a huge change and updated almost all of their courses. It is not an easy task to change all material, instructor guides, videos, promotional materials, so let’s give them the time to do in properly. Meanwhile I upgraded and renewed my credentials as DAN O2 instructor including the instructor for Advanced Oxygen and both courses with be merged together in the future and will be called
Emergency Oxygen for Scuba Diving Injuries
This course represents entry-level training to educate the general diving (and qualified non-diving) public to better recognize possible dive-related injuries and to provide emergency oxygen first aid while activating the local emergency medical services (EMS) and /or arranging for evacuation to the nearest available medical facility. Providers learn to use the demand inhalator valve, non-rebreather mask, manually triggered ventilator and a bag-valve mask (BVM).
So what is the difference to the old course? DAN included the use of the Bag-valve mask which is one of the best tools for a layperson.
Why should you consider to become trained in Emergency Oxygen for Scuba Diving Injuries?
Imagine this set-up. You plan your dive vacation here. Let’s say you are a cave diver. The guide you booked with should have the first aid and oxygen kit always on the trip. So do you really know how it works? And seen it from the eyes of a technical diver, would you not want to be trained fit for the dive location you dive in? Caves are often somewhat remote to the highway, villages, hospitals. Do we have frequently accidents? Of course not, but in that one-in-a-million chance, I would like to be the best possible prepared to help a fellow diver in need and I would feel more comfortable if I know that my buddies have the same knowledge.
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